Friends of Berlin

You love Berlin. We do too!

Berlin is booming. Berlin is hip, multifaceted, trendy, zeitgeisty.

Um das Feuer der Metropole auch weiterhin mit Energie zu versorgen und Menschen aus aller Welt für die Hauptstadt zu begeistern, braucht es frische Ideen und Projekte, die überraschen und Menschen anziehen.

And it needs entrepreneurs and companies who support new ideas as change makers, designers, friends and fans.

Wanted are Berlin-friends with a vision, who want to create change. Are you one of them? Then you should join us.

Friends of Berlin International – ein besonderes Netzwerk for Berlin.

The Idea

We promote ideas. With passion!

Friends of Berlin connects Berlin and friends of the city, artists and art patrons from all over the world.

Our focus lies on art and intercultural exchange, on the promotion of artists and international art projects.

Together, we have created a platform to bring innovative ideas and formats to Berlin that inspires and invites to visit Berlin.

With our vision, we want to motivate friends of Berlin from all over the world to become part of the Friends of Berlin community.

Friends of Berlin International – ein besonderes Netzwerk für Berlin.

Our Goals

Our goals. Your goals?

  • To promote Berlin as a center of attraction through unique, innovative projects.
  • To develop new, attractive concepts for Berlin’s tourism industry and intercultural dialogue.
  • To bring international art projects to Berlin.
  • To promote Berlin artists and make them internationally established.
  • To promote tourism companies in Berlin by implementing international event highlights.
  • To design new structures to strengthen Berlin's tourism industry.
  • To bring dedicated personalities together as “Friends of Berlin" and unify existing forces.
  • To gain different supporters as members in order to create a diverse room for exchange.
  • To expand the Friends of Berlin as an internationally active network with creative diversity.

Friends of Berlin International – ein besonderes Netzwerk für Berlin.

Become a member

More than one member. Co!

You want to become a friend and join us?

  • I represent a company in Berlin and would like to promote the area of tourism and culture as an important economic factor for Berlin and become a full member: Please click here!
  • I am interested in supporting the Friends of Berlin as a Supporting Member: Please click here!
  • I love Berlin, do not represent a company and want to be included in the "Berlin Hall of Fame": Please click here!

Friends of Berlin International – ein besonderes Netzwerk für Berlin.

Hall of Fame

These companies are already Friends of Berlin and love the German capital:

Full Members

Supporting Members


Cooperation Partners

International Ambassadors

Der Vorstand

  • Birgit Zander (CEO Festival of Lights GmbH), 1st Chairman
  • Chris Bekker (Musik Produzent und DJ), 2. Vorsitzender
  • Nancy Walter (Walter Events), erweiterter Vorstand
  • Anja Nitsch (TV-Turm AP Gastronomieges. mbH), erweiterter Vorstand


  • Holger Boeven | anchorpartner (Beratung für Strategie und Veränderung)
  • Jan Hübel | Visual Effects
  • Martina Riediger | Trias Consulting

FM= Founding Member
